Phone Number


Working Hours

8:00am - 8:00pm

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Welcome to Presea shipping services

We are dedicated to producing quality services which contains to safety the needs and requirements of our customers and interest parties, and to this end, the quality policy is reviewed, at the management review to ensure its continuing suitability and effectiveness , and to ensure it remains appropriate to the purpose, nature and impart of the company’s activities and services .

We are totally committed to meeting requirements and to continual improvement at all levels and within all functions of the company and this commitment is consistently achieved through the Implementation and maintenance of our quality system being installed. This satisfies all the requirements of ISO 9000-2000 and any relevant legal, corporate, customer or other obligations to which the company subscribes.


To provide a customers, either directly or through business parties and affiliated companies, ship services, surveys and crew management that are:-

  • Reliable
  • Cost effective and
  • Able to meet or execute customer requirements.


To be an effective and efficient shipping company provides professional and quality services to the marine community the Government and other relevant flag states.